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Bike Inventory Management System

This inventory system was created for a company to keep track of bike parts and products that they have in stock. When launching the application, the main screen displays a table of parts and products currently in stock. There is a search bar for users to find a specific part or product that they are looking for. The main screen also gives the users the ability to add, modify, or delete items; however, an error message will display if a user tries to delete a product that has parts associated with it. If a user inputs an incorrect data type in the text fields or if the input numbers are illogical, an error message will display. For both parts and products, the ID number is auto-generated and disables that text field for users.

When adding or modifying a part, there are two radio buttons displaying if the part is "Outsourced" or "In-House" and when clicking one of the buttons, the last label will change to either "Company Name" (for Outsourced) or "Machine ID" (for In-House).

When adding or modifying a product, the user is able to remove or add associated parts to each product. There is also a parts search bar for users to find a specific part they would like to add to their products.

This was my first project working with Java and setting up the Integerated Development Environment (IDE); which was difficult at first, but I had help from my instructors to guide me through the setup process. Once I learned it, I was able to use that knowledge when creating other projects. Overall, this project gave me a solid foundation when coding in Java.

● Intellij IDEA Community Edition 2021.1.3x64
● JDK - Java SE 11.0,15.1
● JavaFX - JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1
● SceneBuilder

● Java

GitHub Repo

Project Output

◁ Appointment Scheduler Class Roster System ▷