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Coffee Shop Database

This project created a database that stores information about a coffee shop, employees who work there, suppliers used, and the coffee brand used. After creating tables to hold the information, I inserted about three different sets of data for each table. To display my knowledge with using SQL, I have written code to filter coffee shops in a specific city, joining two tables, and creating a new view to display employees. When creating the new view, I concatenated the first and last name to display the employee's full name.

I learned the different types of relationships between entities and how to create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). This is my first project working with SQL, so I struggled a little bit with understanding the relationship types. Eventually, I figured out a way to understand it better by creating scenarios in my head for each attribute that I am trying to pair. Overall, it has given be a better understanding on relationship types, entities, attributes, primary and foreign keys, and using an ERD.

● SQL Fiddle
● MySQL Workbench


Project Output

Initial creation of tables for the schema.

View all coffee shops in a specific city.

Joining two tables to display supplier information.

View specific columns from a created view.

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